Pricing Table - Kitlos Services

Pricing Table

Website Maintenance Services

  • Basic Maintenance

  • $49.99 / Monthly

  • Content Review & Editing
  • Image & Video Uploads
  • One New Blog Post
  • Scan and Update Broken Links
  • Scan for Security and Malware
  • Bi-Weekly Site Backups
  • Plugins & Themes Updates
  • Create Two New Pages
  • Premium Maintenance

  • $129 / Monthly

  • All Features in Basic
  • Website Speed Optimization
  • Four New Blog Posts (one per week)
  • Weekly Site Backups
  • Weekly Technical & On-page SEO Audit
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Microsoft Clarity Integration
  • Create Six New Pages
  • Onetime Maintenance

  • $79.99 /

  • Content Review & Editing
  • Image & Video Uploads
  • One New Blog Post
  • Scan and Update Broken Links
  • Scan for Security and Malware
  • Site Backup
  • Plugins & Themes Updates
  • Technical and Onpage SEO Audit

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