Website Maintenance - Kitlos Services

web design services professionals

Optimize your Website for Speed and Performance

Ensure that your website is running smoothly and securely 24/7 with our website maintenance services, choose between Basic and Premium maintenance services.

Basic Maintenance | Premium Maintenance
You do not just create a website and leave it without regularly attending to it. Leaving your website unattended can leave your website vulnerable to attacks.

Meanwhile, your website needs regular updates, including content, security patches, backups, and optimization to ensure that it ranks in search engines, while you have peace of mind. With our website maintenance service, you’ll be sure that:

  1. Nothing will suddenly go wrong that will affect your business or customers
  2. Your website is secure and free from attacks
  3. Your website performs optimally and efficiently including running at an optimal speed on desktop and mobile devices
  4. Downtime and hitches caused by malfunctioning apps can be easily identified and fixed. Regular server errors can also be identified and fixed.

Our website maintenance services include taking care of the following on your behalf monthly:

  1. Content Review & Editing
  2. Image & video optimization and uploads
  3. Regular blog and news posts
  4. Scanning and updating of broken links to enhance user experience
  5. Scanning for and updating security patches and malware
  6. Sitemap creation and uploading
  7. Regular site backups
  8. Regular plugins and themes updates
  9. Creation of new pages and updating of old content
  10. Checking website responsiveness to different devices
  11. Integration and monitoring of website with webmaster
  12. Technical support by email and chat.
  13. Optimization of a website to conform to the speed
  14. Regular technical and on-page SEO audit
  15. Regular website monitoring

Basic Maintenance | Premium Maintenance